DAKILA: Lumilim Issue 2
David Hontiveros / Elmer Cantada
It’s been almost 3 months since 18-year old Brandon Ramirez first became Dakila. And right now, he just wants to cosplay.
But a day at ManilaCon with his barkada (his best friend, the kapre Lintik; the sarangay Demetrio; and the Brujahs, Fatima, Esperanza, and Caridad) turns super weird (and super dangerous!) when creepy urban legend Mr. Alikabok--actually one of Mangilala’s many guises; dude’s a cosplayer too! Who knew?--shows up with some, err… “friends,” to spoil everybody’s geekery.
Boo! Hissssss!
Reader Discretion: Harsh Language and Horror Imagery